One of the worst things to happen to service-driven companies is to lose your point of contact with a client. This is in my top three most dreaded things for account management. You must re-pitch, refocus, and contend with a new variable in what you think is a well-oiled machine.
But there are ways you can use these situations to your advantage.
Every time we have a new POC, we know they have something to prove, and, by extension, so do we. Here are the points we focus on in our initial meeting:
• Provide an overview of your services so expectations are immediately set and the division of responsibilities is clear
• A recap of the significant initiatives we have undertaken so far
• A summary of the service delivery we provide (think ticket stats and a showcase of documentation)
• Discuss projects currently in flight and how they fit within the larger strategy
• Highlight future strategic priorities and contextualize them to get POC buy-in
This helps reassure your new POC that you have approached the issues thoughtfully. Hopefully, it starts you off on the right foot as they tackle areas with less dedication or support. But you must reassure them that you are a partner by setting them up for early success. Position yourself as a partner, not a vendor, to maximize the health of your future relationship.